LexChem Solutions® represents quality chemical manufacturers, and facilitates sales of their products directly to leading worldwide industrial chemical users. At LexChem Solutions ®, we are more than an authorized sales agent, we are skilled and experienced in providing The Three P’s – Price, Performance and Procurement. Our mission is to get you the best price, the greatest product performance, and the most efficient end-to-end procurement and delivery as possible. Our sales agents combine vast experience in the chemical industry, with on-the-ground application and sourcing know-how for a wide variety of functional, specialty and commodity chemistries. We are proud of the quality manufacturers we represent, and passionate about the markets we serve.

Frequently asked questions

What is LexChem Solutions, and what does it do?

LexChem Solutions is a specialized intermediary service that connects manufacturers with businesses looking for chemical solutions. We streamline the process of finding the right chemical manufacturer for your needs, ensuring you have access to high-quality products and services.

How can LexChem Solutions benefit my business?

By partnering with LexChem Solutions, your business gains access to a network of reputable manufacturers, ensuring you find the best match for your chemical requirements. This can save you time, resources, and effort in the sourcing process while ensuring quality and cost-effectiveness.

What types of manufacturers does LexChem Solutions work with?

We collaborate with a wide range of chemical manufacturers, including those specializing in industrial chemicals, specialty chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and more. Our network includes manufacturers with diverse expertise to meet various industry needs.